Mistake #1. An ideal client is anyone with money who can pay you.
Well, of course just because someone can pay you doesn’t exactly mean they will. There are so many variables: the usual marketing backbone of product (or service), price, positioning for starters needs to be in place.
Reaching into their wallets yourself also doesn’t usually work, and might get you into trouble! The other side of this too is judging the ones you might think won't be able to pay, even if they are an ideal client. The truth is many people have multiple avenues for funding if they really want to pay for something.
Mistake #2. An ideal client doesn't have to have money to pay you (they can get your service for free).
If you have created a product or service and know 5% more than someone else, then that product or service has value, and will probably sell for a monetary value.
The question then is, how much do you value yourself – and how much time went in to the experience used to create the product, including all the hours/days/weeks/months/years devoted to crafting your product or service?
There is value in what you have created and if this is the reason you’re in business then it’s important to make the value work for you to keep your business going. This is largely a mindset issue, getting into the minds of your customer in the right way and recognising your worth.
Mistake #3. Not looking at your ideal client in relation to the people you resonate with.
Connection with your customer is key. It can be the best product or service in the world, but if you don’t connect with your customer, there isn’t a chance of a sale! Mr Nowhere Man is a good metaphor for this.
Secondly, even if you are able to reach your customer, a shallow conversation is probably not what they are looking for. Your ideal client may instead want a deeper connection and to be taken on a journey as to how the product or service aligns with their hopes and dreams. The sales process manages this.
Mistake #4. Anyone who buys from You is an ideal client (note how this is different from (1) above).
Selling to your non-ideal client sometimes results in too many complaints, difficulties in negotiation and over-delivery to soothe an unhappy client. Generally the more you resonate and communicate with your client in a positive way, the happier your relationship usually is.
Mistake #5. My product or service can be tailored to anyone's requirements, all you have to do is pay me first.
This can be a dangerous trap, even with an ideal client and is common in project management. A clear understanding of what you are providing and what your client is receiving throughout the life of the product or service is key here. Terms and Conditions and Privacy notices are useful here.
Well, I hope that deepens your understanding of why it is important to know your ideal client, and avoid the common mistakes.
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