
***Ideal Client Networking Tip – 2 of 3***

Recognise that most people find networking uncomfortable.

“If you compare your inside to someone else’s outside, you’ll always lose”, says Andy Bounds of The Jelly Effect.

What challenges do you have with networking?

None, did I hear you say? Okay, then it’s time to put yourself outside your comfort zone, go to the next level and book a speaker place where you can find your ideal client!

***Ideal Client Networking Tip – 1 of 3***

Who are your serving?

To find the right networking event where you can find your customers, go to the networking events where other people are looking for solutions to the problems you’re trying to solve.

This may seem obvious but you’re looking for people to sell to you can start to help them by serving them first: give value to their important issues of the day asking 'What's critical to resolve in your business right now?'.

Then listen, give as much value as you can in the short time you have to speak to them to let them know how you helped similar clients, with case studies. Then make a follow up appointment to continue the conversation.